Dr. Myers
Dr. Myers is sharing some moments with you online.

About Scene 33
April 17, 2016 The day I decided to leave corporate lifestyle and almost died from burnout. The 2 circles you see in the image from Scene 33 you’ll see my soul flying into the chair and back to my body. This is what working 120+ hours for corporate,, 2 game studios, and doing your PhD all at the same time on a Sunday afternoon, thankfully my good friend stayed calm and helped support bring me back. I had blacked out from exhaustion and decided no more, yes I got paid some decent pay to do things but I decided it was time I stopped being addicted to work and go and heal and live my life. But you will see my soul the little white dots especially on a big screen leave and then go oh wait we still have work to do and since I am a Gemini there is 2 souls within me just helping my soul journey unfold and there is more to life than work.
Links below are to projects I am working on so enjoy!

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